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There is more to Egyptologist Dr. Colleen Darnell than meets the eye. From her established role in academia and incredible vintage fashion collection to her home filled with storied treasures, Colleen embodies the eras she so passionately loves.

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Running red lights, I raced to University Hospital hoping to arrive in time to tell my Dad the one thing he needed to know — that I loved him. His prognosis was not good, and according to the doctor, the end could come within seventy-two hours.

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More than a decade ago, my husband was laid off shortly after returning from our honeymoon. Having married during the 2008 financial crisis, we were grateful they waited for us to say, “I do.” I vomited when I heard. Despite being confident in the brilliance of my new husband, James, and our financial security, I vomited again and again. I soon learned this was no sympathy pain: I was pregnant with triplets.

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Born Zara Mohamed Abdulmajid, Iman—whose name translates from Arabic as “Faith”—was anointed this traditionally masculine moniker by her mother and grandfather, who wanted her to know she could do anything—and be anything—she envisioned for herself.

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Rêve En Vert, which means “dream in green,” is more than a brand name and e-commerce sustainable luxury platform—it is a vision. While interning for Stella McCartney, the pioneer of sustainable fashion, “the wheels [started] turning about business being a force of good rather than just an industry constantly selling to us,” Cora Hilts, co-founder and CEO of Rêve En Vert said. “It made me start to question other brands who weren’t paying attention to the world around them. That curiosity is what really got me on track to start Rêve En Vert.” READ MORE…

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"I Signed A Prenup"
We were about to get married,
so why did I feel as if I were mapping out our divorce?"

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"Shooting For The Stars"
While a picture is worth a thousand words, the film Shooting Beauty — the tale of photographer Courtney Bent, who gave cameras to disabled adults in hopes of giving them a voice — will leave you speechless.

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"Speaking The Same Language"
Running red lights, I reached to University Hospital hoping to arrive in time to tell my Dad the one thing he needed to know — that I loved him. His prognosis was not good, and according to the doctor the end could come within 72 hours.

"Make Room For Multiple Moms"
If you are among the more than 3% of women having twins (or more!) children at once, you are overwhelmed. While twins are becoming more commonplace, it is far from common to know what to do when you double your
family. Especially as a first-time mother.